Ovulation is an important part of the menstrual cycle and essential in trying to conceive. Ovulation occurs when the mature oocyte (egg) is released from the ovarian is able to travel down the fallopian tubes ready be fertilised. This generally occurs at about 14 days from the beginning of your period (in a 28 day cycle). 

A few things happen that will give you an idea you’re ovulating:

  • You should see a “discharge” of mucous from your cervix. This is a clear discharge that’s like egg white in consistency. There should be no smell or colour.
  • You may feel some pain one one side of your lower abdomen indicating the cyst that held the maturing egg has burst, causing its release.
  • Your temperature will increase by up to 3C.
  • Your libido might increase (ie, you will be thinking about and more open to having sex!)

After ovulation, the egg is either fertilised and therefore starts to divide and implant itself into the lining of the uterus, or it degrades and is shed along with the uterine lining, being your next period. Either way, ovulation is a sign of overall health. It takes around 3 months for each egg to reach maturity. If you’re not sure whether you’re ovulating or you’re having difficulties conceiving please come and talk to us about how we can help during our free 20 minute consultation.