Croup & Asthma


Croup is a viral infection of the windpipe and voice box that causes a hoarse voice and harsh, barking cough that sounds like a seal.

Most children will have a cold prior to developing croup and need to be monitored closely due to the potential for worsening symptoms and stridor (noisy breathing). The cough and breathing tend to be worse at night. If a child is having difficulty breathing, they will need medical attention without delay.

It often recurs in susceptible children and can be very distressing, for both the child and their parents. An ideal way to reduce your kids change of getting croup is work preventatively in supporting the immune system to reduce the number and frequency of upper respiratory infections.

The immune systems function can be greatly impacted by nutritional deficiencies such as iron, which are common in young children. Food allergies, intolerances and gut health also play a vital role.

At ReMed, our practitioners can help you to identify what plan will work best for your child to minimise colds and infections, as well as minimise severity of croup symptoms.


Asthma is a disease of the lungs where the airways are reactive and narrow; making breathing difficult.

little girl with teddy bear

Asthma is characterised by a wheezing sound on breathing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. An ongoing dry cough is also common.

Asthma is very common with 1 in 10 people having asthma within Australia. There are a number of triggers for asthma that include infection, airborne allergies (dust, animal dander, grass, pollen), exercise and environmental pollutants such as cigarette smoke, mould and chemicals.

Allergies and food intolerances are very common in people with asthma, especially if they also have a history of eczema.

Our practitioners can help you identify interventions that will reduce the triggering of asthma, improve lung function and support the immune system to be resilient to infections. Dietary change to aid in digestive function and removal of food triggers may also be considered depending on your case history, in addition to addressing nutrient deficiencies.

Call us on 03 9431 0331 or book an appointment online by clicking below.