ReMed Ancora Oncology Adjunctive Care
What is Adjunctive Oncology Care?
Adjunctive oncology care is designed to be used alongside conventional treatments such as surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Research shows that many people going through cancer treatments are often taking herbal medicine and nutritional supplements but not telling their oncologist or receiving qualified advice about what is safe.
Just because a medicine might be ‘natural’ it doesn’t mean that it is inherently safe or suitable for your situation. It is important to have a comprehensive assessment of what is beneficial and not going to interfere with your conventional treatments.
At ReMed, we recognise that conventional treatment should be the primary approach to treating cancer but that adjunctive care can play an important role in supporting quality of life during treatment.
The ReMed Ancora Team
Derived from latin meaning to anchor or support, the ReMed Ancora Oncology Team consists of highly experienced naturopaths, clinical nutritionists, oncology massage therapists and acupuncturists that provide adjunctive care to patients whilst undergoing medically prescribed treatment to achieve the best level of health and quality of life possible.
Ancora Treatment Aims are to:
Avoid negative interactions with cancer treatments
Support recovery and convalescence from surgery
Where possible, enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy and potentiate sensitivity of cancer cells to conventional treatments
Reduce the side effects (both short and long-term) of chemotherapy and radiotherapy
Support general health to ensure conventional treatment plan can be adhered to
Use evidence-informed strategies to reduce risk recurrence
Optimise health and well-being
Our team have extensive experience in adjunctive treatment plans for patients with a number of different blood, hormonal and gastrointestinal cancers.
These cancer types include:
The Ancora Oncology Team is very committed to full disclosure with your medical team about your treatment recommendations and will NOT accept anyone into the program not currently under the care of an oncologist and following their recommendations.
A free, no obligation private appointment with our Ancora Oncology Team is offered to anyone wanting to find out more information about our adjunctive oncology services.
This complimentary appointment can be booked online or by phoning our ReMed clinic on 03 9431 0331 or you can book online.
I often encounter patients who want more information about how they can maximise their health and wellbeing during cancer treatment and beyond into survivorship and have often wished there was a reliable, research-based, complementary therapy program that could supply information to cut through the maze of – at best – unhelpful and expensive therapies, to – at worst – therapies that undermine the benefits of the medical regime that maximises the reduction and or control of that particular cancer.
The Ancora program is research-based, truly complementary, tailored to the specific needs of specific patients, is holistic and has well documented positive outcomes. I recommend the program to any person undergoing mainstream treatment for cancer to maximise their health and quality of life. My hope is that something of this calibre is one day government funded.
- Support recovery and convalescence from surgery
- Enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy
- Reduce the side effects (both short and long-term) of chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- Support general health to ensure conventional treatment plan can be adhered to
- Maintenance plan to reduce recurrence
- Evaluation of how to support your cancer treatment plan:
- what supplements are safe to take
- how to avoid interactions with the chemotherapy drugs
- how to sensitise cancer cells to chemotherapy and radiation therapy
- how to reduce side effects; both short and long-term
- Initial naturopathic consultation, testing and individualised treatment plan
- Regular acupuncture treatments OR
- Regular oncology massage treatments
- Regular naturopathic or clinical nutrition consultations
- All testing and pathology required to help understand your individual situation and what care plan you will best respond to
- All supplements and/or herbal medicines that are recommended by your naturopath or clinical nutritionist
- Private Health fund rebates apply
- Specialist practitioner team that have extensive experience working in adjunctive care for oncology
- Ancora program workbook to take you through recommendations in a step-by-step approach
- Victus Health subscription to give you healthy and nutritious recipes ideas
The Ancora Oncology Team, comprised of naturopathy, clinical nutrition, acupuncture and oncology massage, is very committed to full disclosure with your medical team about your treatment recommendations and will NOT accept anyone into the program not currently under the care of an oncologist and following their recommendations.
Our team are here to support you through your conventional treatment program and to establish a plan to reduce symptoms associated it, maximise quality of life and to reduce the risk of recurrence through diet, mind and lifestyle adaptations.
A free, no obligation private appointment with our Ancora Oncology Team is offered to anyone wanting to find out more information about our oncology services. This complimentary appointment can be booked online or by phoning our ReMed clinic on 1300 1REMED or you can book online
The program has been endorsed by Kate Butler, Victorian State Coordinator of Oncology Massage Ltd who says “I often encounter patients who want more information about how they can maximise their health and wellbeing during cancer treatment and beyond into survivorship and have often wished there was a reliable, research-based, complementary therapy program that could supply information to cut through the maze of – at best – unhelpful and expensive therapies, to – at worst – therapies that undermine the benefits of the medical regime that maximises the reduction and or control of that particular cancer.”
“The Ancora program is research-based, truly complementary, tailored to the specific needs of specific patients, is holistic and has well documented positive outcomes. I recommend the program to any person undergoing mainstream treatment for cancer to maximise their health and quality of life. My hope is that something of this calibre is one day government funded.”
I was recommended Shannon from Remed by a friend who is studying nutrition. I had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and after my mastectomy was left to deal with getting my health back on track alone. Being prescribed Tamoxifan I was suffering from some side effects and was really conscious of the need to detox my body to give myself the best chance of wellness. I had started to modify my diet and reduced my toxin intake but I needed professional guidance.
Meeting Shannon was fantastic – finally I had someone who I could talk to, discuss my concerns and get some practical and beneficial advice. Shannon has a wealth of knowledge on cancer causes, effects and treatments and in my case she was able to identify a genetic mutation that affects my body’s ability to absorb certain important nutrients and then prescribe supplements to over come this. My Tamoxifan side effects are now managed, we are monitoring my hormones, my vitamin D levels and my liver is being cleared of toxins. Shannon has also been a great support in preparing for surgery and for ensuring a smooth recovery afterwards. She has been happy to answer any questions and is always prepared to search out further information and scientific reports where necessary.
Also, I am genetically predisposed to very high cholesterol and have spent many years refusing to take statins to reduce it. Under Shannon’s guidance, I have been able to halve my readings naturally by managing my diet, boosting my supplements and detoxing my liver. This has a been a huge result for me after so long – and one that was relatively easy to achieve with Shannon’s help.
Working with a practitioner who is holistic yet scientific and evidence based gives me confidence that I am getting the best support for my health through nutrition and supplementation without compromising my medical team’s advice. I am feeling well and happy that I am doing all I can to stay as well as I can.