Samantha Bake
Samantha BakeClinical Nutritionist
B. Health Science (Nutritional Medicine), Fitgenes and BioCeuticals Nutrigenomics accredited practitioner, ANTA, B.Arts, Post Grad Cert. (Editing & Publishing)

Get to know me

    • Adjunctive oncology support
    • Functional nutrigenomics
    • Australian Natural Therapists Association Bursary award winner

As a clinical nutritionist, Samantha is passionate about working with oncology patients to provide adjunctive care to their conventional treatment.

Samantha believes that integration and collaborative care with the oncology medical team is key to improving outcomes for her patients.

Samantha is a strong advocate for adjunctive oncology support after personal experience with friends and family members going through treatments for colorectal, breast and pancreatic cancer.

Samantha’s role as a clinical nutrition is to:

  • Ensure avoid negative interactions with conventional treatment
  • Apply nutrients that have evidence to enhance the effectiveness of chemo and radiation therapy
  • Reduce side effects of conventional treatments
  • Assess and reduce risk factors for recurrence

 “I am absolutely passionate about the role of diet in supporting cancer treatments as I have found it can have a substantial impact on their digestion, side effects and weight management throughout treatment. Using food and nutrients to rectify nutrient deficiencies, decreasing inflammation and regular exercise are some of the ways that Samantha works with her patients”.

Samantha’s passion for clinical nutrition was initially propelled by her own experiences with family and friends’ health challenges and went on to complete extensive studies in Clinical Nutrition completing a Bachelor of Health Science.

Samantha support patients wanting to integrate natural medicine into their conventional treatment for:

    • Colorectal 
    • Breast and Ovarian
    • Cervical