Vera Dahlstrom
Vera DahlstromNaturopath
Adv Dip (Naturopathy), Dip of Health Science, (Herbal Medicine), Bach of Economics, Grad Cert (Human Nutrition)

Get to know me

  • Menopause
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Diabetes and Kidney Disease
  • MultipleSclerosis (MS)

Vera was inspired by the incredible power of natural medicine, in particular food as medicine after her own father passed away from a heart attack in her teen years. Following this, her mother came across a book which causes her to change their diet from Weet-Bix, margarine and overcooked vegetables to a cleaner diet where her mother not only lost weight but her migraines disappeared and she had a lot more energy. Vera believes that diet can be used to not only improve health, but also as preventative medicine.

Vera became a naturopath due to her love of helping people. Helping her patients recover from illness and optimise their health really fills her cup. She loves deep diving into research to find the perfect therapeutic agents in diet, lifestyle, herbs and nutrition. In her spare time, Vera loves cycling with her partner, and they even fly their bikes to exciting destinations as she finds being in nature to be a great de-stressor.


Work with me

I'd love to meet you & help achieve your health goals